Khan Saifs Final Compilation & Reflection (Illustration & Visual Narrative)

2023.09.25 - 2024.01.08 (Week 1 - Week 14)

Khan Saif / 0367438

Illustration & Visual Narrative / Bachelor's Design in Creative Media / Taylor's University



Task 1 / Exercise 1: Vormator Challenge

                                        Figure 1: Alcheclaw's Design

                                        Figure 2: Alcheclaw's Artwork (With Rule of Third)

                                        Figure 3: Alcheclaw's Artwork (Without Rule of Third)

Task 1 / Exercise 2: Vormator Challenge - Pokemon Card

                                                            Figure 4: Alcheclaw's Artwork (Pokemon Card)

Task 2 Exercise 1: Decisive Moment - Editorial Illustration

                                                                    Figure 5: Editorial Illustration

Task 2 Exercise 2: Decisive Moment - Animation

                                                                            Figure 6: Animation

Task 2 Exercise 3: Decisive Moment - Transition

                                                                            Figure 7: Transition/Triptych

Final Project 1: Self-Titled Artwork

                                                                            Figure 8: Self-Titled Artwork

Final Project 2: Self-Titled Animation

Figure 9: Self-Titled Animation


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